For a while now, we have been playing almost exclusively League of Legends as a group. Mostly on my own I have spent a considerable amount of time on Minecraft as well, and occasionally dabbling in a handful of other games (coughEntropiacough) just to occupy my time.
We are now comfortably in Q2 of the 2012 gaming season and I find myself in a rather alarming situation. I don't know which games to play.
Vindictus : There was always an opening on my list for an MMO that wasn't going to be a mind numbing grindfest where my character stands amongst fields of mobs casting lightning bolt over and over and over and over. Vindictus looks like it might actually be a winner. My experience with Nexon started with QuizQuiz which led me to one of my most memorable games, Shattered Galaxy. Sadly, the game lost the support it needed but I felt it truly had potential. That aside, Vindictus is actually a fun MMO with surprisingly engaging combat, a somewhat decent mission storyline (I've seen some very terrible mission stories in my time) and a pretty fun AFK activity. For those who know me, I often like to AFK play my games. Meaning I like games I can have running in the background that I don't have to interact with constantly. In Vindictus, I can sit myself on a boat and catch fish. I know it sounds pretty bland but it has totally won me over in contest for what game I will have running in the background all the time. When I'm not afking the game, I'm running a mission, landing smooth combos on enemies' heads and doing slow motion killing blows on bosses. There's something very satisfying about smashing heads in with large pillars...
D3 : We all know D3 is coming ( holy sh!t finally ). It's almost a no brainer, I'm going to get the game. If D3 has anything similar to the replay value I found in D2, I am going to be playing that game quite a bit. I remember playing D2 for entire afternoons at a time and I suspect D3 will be no different, if not worse.
Guild Wars 2 : I actually don't know a thing about Guild Wars 2. But, during some contemplation on what games are up and coming, this title was brought up as something expected for Q2/Q3 and there was a good bit of interest in the :customization: (you guys are so lame). I can almost see this as something I will end up attempting to play (if it's not subscription based) if everyone else in The Crew ends up getting sucked into.
Natural Selection 2 : I only recently saw Natural Selection in action. I have never played Half Life and was sadly never gifted it or given the game as part of some package or another. I have not played Natural Selection personally, but have found it engaging to watch. NS is a mod off of Half Life. However, NS2 intends to be standalone, a game on it's own. You can play in the closed beta now if you preorder the game for $35, which is reasonable. However, the game is multplayer and therefore pointless to dive into without a few friends. I am tempted to be the guinea pig, though, and purchase the game in its working state so I can get a feel for its potential.
Prototype/Prototype 2 : Prototype 2 is getting a bit of a voice in the back of my head. I remember playing Prototype briefly and remember enjoying the fluidity of the game, despite its repetition which resulted in my short attention span. Regardless, I need to keep to the tradition of buying and starting games I can never finish, and Prototype is a pretty good candidate to fill this role.
ME/ME2/ME3 : Fighting Prototype for game-to-be-left-unfinished-of-the-year is, of course, Mass Effect 3. Though I have heard it disappointed some, I have always heard the prequels were quality stuff and that it was senseless for me to own both ME and ME3 and haven't ever installed nor played them. I just have very limited attention span for single player games, I suppose.
Resident Evil 6 : Okay, so I only entered the Resident Evil scene in Resident Evil 5. But holy cow me and my zombie slaughtering co-op partner played the SH!T out of that thing. We logged countless hours on the game and it was more than worth the money. Frankly, any game that touts a co-op mode gets at least a bit of attention from me. Thankfully there is still several months before I have to worry about making time for RE6, but I can see myself still playing D3...
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